Since 2018, we have gained the support of multiple partners, consolidating ourselves as a key player in the clean energy market in Mexico. Explore Sujío's investment opportunities by signing up below.
Sujio partners with industry leaders and has certifications from the most recognized energy associations in Mexico.
Helping you innovate your energy grid
Qualified Users
A qualified user must meet the monthly demand requirements of 1 MW for the past 12 months and must register as a Qualified User with the Energy Regulatory Commission.
SUJÍO GENERACIÓN, founded in 2019 by the SUJÍO operating team, is a Participating Market Generator created to promote, support and develop electricity generation.
An exempt generator is a power plant with a capacity of less than 0.5 megawatts (MW) and that does not require permission from the Energy Regulatory Commission to generate electricity.
It simplifies billing, payments and regulatory processes, ensuring compliance with CENACE and the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE).
Financial Optimization
It provides performance reports and supports competitive energy sales for better financial results.
Renewable Energy Integration
It helps in the transition of legacy power plants to the Wholesale Electricity Market, allowing companies to access cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.4o mini.
What is the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM)?
The MEM is the market where electricity, related services, power and other related products are bought and sold at the wholesale level in Mexico. It was created as part of the 2013 energy reform to open up competition in the electricity sector.
Who can participate in the MEM?
Generators, suppliers, marketers, qualified users, carriers and distributors are involved, as well as the independent system operator (CENACE).
What are SUJIO's competitive advantages?
At SUJIO we specialize in providing personalized attention, from the moment of the quote we focus on making a suit tailored to each of our clients. In addition, at SUJIO we can deliver you a turnkey project, where the customer doesn't have to worry about paperwork and any other process. We have the option of delivering 100% clean energy, which helps our customers in their decarbonization plans. We have an online dashboard, with which our customers can monitor their consumption in real time.
¿Cuáles son las ventajas competitivas de SUJIO?
En SUJIO nos especializamos en brindar una atención personalizada, desde el momento de la cotización nos enfocamos en hacer un traje a la medida de cada uno de nuestros clientes. Además en SUJIO te podemos entregar un proyecto llave en mano, en donde el cliente no tiene que preocuparse por tramites y cualquier otro proceso.Tenemos la opción de entregar energía 100% limpia, lo que ayuda a nuestros clientes en sus planes de descarbonización. Contamos con dashboard en línea, con el cual nuestros clientes pueden monitorear su consumo en tiempo real.
Experience the direct benefits of becoming a qualified user. Apply below to begin unlocking these benefits for your business.
The Opening of the Electricity Market and the Diversification of Generation
Trade and the opening of markets have historically paralleled economic growth, as this triggers new opportunities for workers, consumers and companies.
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