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4 apps that will help you reduce your carbon footprint

February 25, 2022
Written by
Sara Fernández
Ways to reduce your carbon footprint and your energy consumption are to start with actions that support reducing...

It is no secret to anyone that climate change is affecting the entire world, and the main cause of this is the use of fossil fuels to generate energy, electricity, and even to transport us.

One of the ways to reduce your carbon footprint and energy consumption is to start with small actions that help reduce this impact. Small actions can start, from choosing, with a light comparator, the best sustainable energy supplier, to removing emails from your inbox and thus reducing your environmental impact.

Below, you'll find the 5 apps to reduce your carbon footprint:


It's a tool available for your cell phone, which allows you to reduce your carbon footprint, just by cleaning your inbox, eliminating emails that you don't need and that may be taking up space in your email, without any sense. “An email message generates around 10 grams of CO2 per year” (Cleanfox), which is why, by cleaning your email on a continuous basis, you will reduce your impact on the environment.


It is an internet search engine that aims to plant trees around the world for every search done on its server. How can a search help plant a tree? Well, it's very simple, a large amount of the income generated by advertising in Ecosia is invested for this great purpose. If you're looking for a way to positively impact the world from your cell phone, Ecosia is a great option.

The Planet App

This application is available for Android and iOS devices, and is defined as a guide to sustainability, taking into account the areas of our emissions such as the use of electricity, gas, transport, among others. Thanks to this application, you will be able to know your exact carbon footprint, your energy consumption and how to effectively reduce it through a plan developed by the application, which will allow you to follow up on these objectives throughout the day.


Reducing the use of emails with instant messaging platforms such as Slack is also a good option to reduce your impact on the environment, because they consume less energy and stop using email excessively. Diverse companies they use this resource for communication between their employees and say that they have reduced the amount of emails they produce on a daily basis by approximately 30%.

Information, courtesy of Sara Fernández: