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Information note

April 20, 2022
Written by
Ernesto Caballero
The purpose of this information note is to communicate certain relevant aspects regarding the Electricity Supply.

The purpose of this information note is to communicate certain relevant aspects regarding the Electricity Supply, in accordance with current regulations.

What is the Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”)?

It is the autonomous body whose objective is to promote the efficient development of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization activities, as well as to protect the interests of users and provide adequate national coverage. To this end, it acts as one of the authorities in the Electrical Industry, in particular, it is responsible for granting electrical permits, as well as monitoring and sanctioning compliance with all applicable regulations and regulations.

What is the National Energy Control Center (“CENACE”)?

It is a Decentralized Public Body responsible for the operational control of the National Electricity System. This provides that an impartial third party, and no longer the CFE itself, is the one who controls and operates the Wholesale Electricity Market, guaranteeing generators open and equitable access to the National Transmission Network and General Distribution Networks

What is Qualified Supply?

Electricity service in the Qualified Supply modality is the supply of electrical energy to Qualified Users under contractual terms and conditions freely agreed between the parties, differing from the Basic Supply that is provided under a tariff regulation scheme.

What is a Qualified User?

This is the end user who is registered as a Qualified User with the CRE and who can purchase the electricity supply either as a Market Participant (i.e. directly buying energy in the Wholesale Electricity Market) or through a Qualified Service Provider. To be considered a Qualified User, a demand equal to or greater than 1 MW must be reported within the last 12 months.

What is the Qualified User Registration with the Energy Regulatory Commission?

The Qualified User Registry is the database managed by the CRE that contains the registrations of charging centers that meet the requirements so that they can be supplied with electrical energy by a Qualified Supplier.

It should be noted that the obligation to request registration through the Electronic Parts Office of the CRE falls to the Qualified User, however, it can be done through the Qualified Supplier. In addition, the Qualified Supplier may assist the user during the registration process regardless of whether or not they contract the supply with him.

What is the Registration of Physical Assets with the National Energy Control Center?

In accordance with current regulations, once the Qualified User Registration has been obtained, you must request the Registration of your Physical Assets with CENACE (with respect to the facilities and equipment that are part of the cargo centers).

What procedures are carried out before the Federal Electricity Commission?

In order for a user to receive the qualified supply, it is necessary to sign a contract for connection to national transmission networks or general distribution networks with the Subsidiary Productive Company of the Federal Electricity Commission, CFE Distribution or CFE Transmission. In addition, it must be coordinated with CENACE, to carry out diagnostics on the qualified user's load center measurement system (on request of a party).

Eduardo Abrego and Ernesto Caballero

SUJIO Legal Area