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Global Warming and Life

June 10, 2022
Written by
Vianey López Aguiñaga
As we all know, currently natural disasters and droughts have increased reasonably...

As we all know, currently natural disasters and droughts have increased reasonably because over the years human beings have polluted the planet without control, but there are people who try to lead a more sustainable life by building green houses, using renewable energy in their companies and changing their habits, which is appreciated and it is very important that everyone acts for the planet.

Global warming is a major environmental challenge facing humanity and these are the main impacts:

  • Melting of the poles and rising sea levels
  • Changes in ecosystems
  • Massive migrations
  • Ocean acidification
  • Extinction of species
  • Extreme weather events.

It is worth mentioning that the economy is also affected by global warming and in order to have a sustainable economic recovery in our country, it is necessary to increase the production and supply of renewable electricity. Because renewable energies meet the criteria of sustainability, are cheaper to produce and do not pollute.

In Mexico, an example of a renewable energy supplier, such as SUJÍO, which is a Qualified Service Provider, which markets renewable energy for the Qualified User.

Qualified Suppliers are the connection between Generators and Qualified Users, so they can enter into coverage contracts and act as a representative of the load and power plants in clean distributed generation, or clean exempt generators.

But the new initiatives for the electricity sector, wanting to change the rules, eliminating the criterion of sustainability, seek to distribute first the electricity generated by means of dirty energy.

This change would result in the increase in electricity prices and the contribution to global warming. This aggravates the effects of climate change, it is undoubtedly the main environmental and health threat to Mexicans.

Burning coal and fuel oil involves emitting too many toxic compounds, such as sulfur dioxide gases, nitrogen oxides, mercury and lead, among others, damaging the health of the general population, increasing respiratory diseases and premature deaths due to poor air quality. Fuel oil, coal and gas cannot harm or be part of our children's future.

Due to the urgency of recognizing that global environmental problems today turn on a red light for humanity, the increase in environmental catastrophes is increasingly evident and the alarming disappearance of various species of flora and fauna, thus causing the entire planet to be unable to enjoy health and this because of not generating sustainable development.

SUJIO Qualified Service Provider, works for the well-being of the planet and people, it is of the utmost importance to combat climate change, but it is necessary to guarantee a just energy transition for all and thus work shoulder to shoulder for the well-being of the country and the planet.

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SUJIO offers convenient contracts for you and your company. Contact us!