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Types of Technology Used to Generate Energy in Mexico

August 11, 2022
Written by
Luis López Espinoza
In Mexico, for many years, the electricity supply service was exclusively provided by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

In Mexico, for many years, the electricity supply service was exclusively provided by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). The same entity that was solely responsible for generating, transmitting and distributing electricity in the country.

In the same way, energy generation by CFE has mostly been based on fossil fuels, as the CFE in its newsletter “CFE Energy Generation based on Clean Technologies” in November, 2011. He mentions that of the total energy injected by all the technologies available to the CFE the 37.52% corresponds to clean sources, so 62.48% is still generated by fossil fuels, which tells us that we are still generating fairly high CO2 emissions for the environment.

We know that there are different types of technologies to generate electricity, such as:

  • Wind power
  • Photovoltaic
  • Biomass
  • Carboelectric
  • Combined cycle
  • Internal Combustion
  • Geo thermoelectric
  • Hydro
  • Nucleoelectric
  • Conventional thermal
  • Turbo Gas

Even knowing that there are a wide variety of types of environmentally friendly technologies, they have not been able to take advantage of them in Mexico, because the CFE was the only generator and supplier of energy.

However, with the new Electricity Industry Act (LIE), clean and renewable technologies are encouraged, thus increasing their use. To achieve this objective and given the opening through the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM). In this market, consumers with more than 1MW of Maximum Demand in the last 12 months will be able to choose who will be their electricity supplier, who must be a participant in the electricity market, and is known as a Qualified Service Provider; with this, consumers will be able to choose what type of technologies they will be receiving the energy they consume, adding other benefits such as lower costs in their rates, as well as the obtaining and accreditation of Clean Energy Certificates (CEL's).

Finally, given the magnitude of what is still being generated in CO2 in Mexico, it is important to highlight that energy suppliers need to act for the environment, using more and more clean energy technologies and fewer technologies with a high content of CO2 emissions.


- Own elaboration.